Weekly Menu Functionality (Release #1)
- Enable Login and get information from the main database. Display current menu(aka meal planning)
- Paid subscription, subscriptions management, Advanced search with filters.
- Meal plan types(allergies free, gluten free, cooking for two, a family with kids(main option))
- Sample menus (Different types)
- Complex recipe
- Complex JSON parsing
- Grocery list from main JSON file
- Grocery list template 2 — long scroll-able list with all categories in one page (filter/search will be cool)
- Grocery list settings & Recipe calendar
- Weekly menu from main JSON file
- Intro with images
- Nutrition facts section for recipe details page
- Recipe Image upload to Amazon or free storage or to google drive, any fast option
- Enable “service” with helper methods(just implement methods from API — that it)
- Answer to question — how to have 1 recipe for 3 different meal plans(ingredient A1 replace A2, ingredient C removed, ingredient D make 2x) — so in grocery list might be changes
- Unit conversion + measurements. Convert string “1 cup + 1 cup” to “2 cups”, “1/4 teaspoon + 2/7 teaspoon” to “15/28 teaspoon”, not 0.3333336.
- Grocery list can automatically calculate same ingredients from one category from different recipes, from different days
- Servings can be changed in different recipes, different days and this changes might be applied to grocery list
Main screens that must be created(default stuff)
- App Loader
- Auth screens: Login/Signup/Password recovery
- Social screens: User profile/Profile settings/Notifications/Contacts/Feed
- Recipes Lists & Recipe details
- Chat list/Chat details/Comments
- Dashboard
- Walk through(an updated version of intro screens)
- Credit card, Billing information management
- An app should have a Different navigation types (Tabs, Header Menu)
- Settings screen